NEXT: Fort Wayne Public Art Master Plan
We are so excited to announce our newest project: the Fort Wayne Public Art Master Plan.Our team kicked off the planning process last week with the project steering committee- a group of city staff, arts administrators, local artists, and public art commissioners.
The master plan will lay out a comprehensive vision for public art now and in the future and will help define locations and projects appropriate for Fort Wayne and its neighborhoods. The plan will identify guiding principles for creating an arts community that supports collaboration, diversity, economic vitality and the highest levels of creativity.
Public input will be a critical part of developing the master plan, and residents will be asked to share their vision for public art at various meetings and through an online survey. Bringing public art into the City’s neighborhoods is an essential component of the plan so neighborhood participation will be emphasized throughout the process. The master plan should be complete in fall 2019.
Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry and the City Council created the Public Art Program and Public Art Commission in March of this year. The Public Art Program’s mission is to promote and integrate public art throughout the city while the Art Commission reviews and selects art to be displayed in public spaces. The goal is to enhance the visual environment and strengthen the positive reputation, brand and stature of Fort Wayne and its neighborhoods.
Cover Photo: Art by Tammi Davis at 127 West Berry Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802