Replay of smART Planning: a Conversation on Art, Place, and Innovation
In May, Designing Local spent a week engaging community members in Los Altos for the Public Art Master Plan.One of the week’s events was a panel discussion on art, place, and innovation. Speakers included Paul Buchheit of Y Combinator and creator of Gmail, Daniel Harris of the Knight Foundation, Chris Flink of the Exploratorium, Matt Schultz of the Generator, and Kelly Snider of Kelly Snider Consulting and advisor to the Los Altos Community Investments. The panel was moderated by Cathy Kimball from the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art.
The panel discussion focused on the importance of a cohesive vision and a desire to leave a legacy in Silicon Valley. Panelists focused on the opportunity placemaking and public art bring in leaving that legacy and shared major projects throughout the country that have been transformative for the cities they are in.
We encourage you to listen in on this amazing group of people from various backgrounds to learn how art, place, and innovation work together to make our cities better places to live and start businesses.